
Meet Josh

Josh is the heart and inspiration behind Brews of Change

Josh is a remarkable young man on the autism spectrum, who discovered his passion for coffee during a part-time role at a local coffee roastery. His journey has been shaped by challenges, including severe social anxiety, which often limited him to the confines of his family home.

Finding purpose through passion

His exceptional intelligence and focus have driven him to cherish the values of quality, precision, and consistency in coffee roasting. This business was established as a platform for Josh, providing him with an opportunity to step out into the world, attend the roastery with a support person, and take charge of his business, thereby fostering his path toward independence.

Brews of Change is more than just an average coffee business

Brews of Change is a testament to Josh's dedication and love for coffee. He spent weeks meticulously selecting the beans for the coffee range, ensuring each batch meets his high standards of quality. Josh personally roasts and packs the beans, with 100% of the profits dedicated to supporting his independent living needs, now and into the future. His involvement in the business has not only given him confidence but also a sense of purpose and autonomy.

Experience Josh's world

Beyond coffee, Josh is an avid gamer and weightlifter, designing his own workout programs and nutrition plans, which reflect his commitment to precision and excellence in all aspects of his life. As such you will find that every product is inspired by Josh and sharing his life with you.

Into the future

Brews of Change stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment, not just for Josh, but for the wider community

Every purchase of Brews of Change beans is a powerful gesture of support and kindness towards individuals with disabilities, acknowledging their unique talents and empathizing with their challenges. Looking ahead, the vision for Brews of Change includes expanding its impact through a nationwide Ambassador programme. This initiative aims to foster inclusivity and empowerment for more people with disabilities across the country, mirroring the opportunities and growth experienced by Josh.

Explore Josh's Products